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Movie schedule on your smart phone

Movie schedule on your smart phone

Movie schedule’s best way to find a movie on your smart phone. Gone are the days of calling various movie theatres for their shows and showtimes. With several apps and websites to choose from to check movie schedules, you can now find a show and check schedules in a fraction of the time it used to take. From Fandango to Flixster to IMDb, options for finding a movie on your smartphone are abundant. Fandango has acquired Flixster, though, and IMDb utilizes Fandango for movie purchases. That is why the best way to find a movie schedule on your smartphone is through the Fandango app.

Go Now Fandango is available for both iPhone and Android. Through the Fandango app, you can look up a movie schedule by movie, time frame, or theatre. With location enabled, click on Fandango’s “Go Now” button to find the nearest showtimes at theatres closest to you. Every theatre near you will be displayed, along with the soonest upcoming movie schedules.

or Later To find a movie schedule for a particular movie, just click on the search button and enter in the movie’s name. The app even includes speech-to-text recognition, so you can look up your movie’s schedule on the go. After entering the name of your movie, a calendar and movie schedule appear on the screen. You can then pick your showtime from any one of the available times today, tomorrow, or any day of the month. If you happen to pick a showtime for later in the week or month, the Fandango app can send you a reminder a half an hour before the movie is set to begin. This allows plenty of time for you to get to the theatre should you become side-tracked, and it ensures you are in the snack line in plenty of time before the movie begins. If you just want to see what movies are playing within a certain time frame, you can look that up on Fandango, too. Once you have had a chance to see the movie schedule, you can then purchase your tickets directly through the app. Several other popular movie apps redirect to Fandango, so why not just start at the source? Besides viewing a movie schedule, Fandango will let you add certain theatres to your list of favourites and create watchlists for upcoming movies you would like to see. Users also have the option of viewing movie trailers and researching cast and crew and reading the synopsis, both for movies already released and soon-to-be-released shows. The app can even send you a reminder when tickets go on sale for an upcoming movie that has been saved in your favourites.

An all-in-one movie app Fandango really is an all-in-one smartphone movie app. With GPS enabled and location set to “on”, Fandango can help you find your ideal movie as well as the theatre, giving you a choice of Google Maps or Apple Maps, depending on your device. Besides giving you just the basics, like searching for a movie schedule, the app is chock-full of extra sure to please any moviegoer. Intuitive and easy to use, Fandango is our top choice for the best way to find a movie schedule on your smartphone.



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